South Africa
August 17, 2005

Cape Town - Day 5

The rains have come! I was awakened early in the morning by the downpour. The plan for today was that I would pick up Kate for our tuxedo fittings. Katie also wanted to find a music store so she could practice her piano piece. And I needed a haircut. We found the Top Hat tuxedo place with no problem, getting only a little wet running from the parking area to the store. A landmark had been the Harley Davidson dealership. Katie's tux needed just a little alteration. We were so fortunate to find that a music store was right next door. Katie soon had a friend there and was playing away. A hair place was right around the corner and I was soon looking far less bushy. When we got back to the Top Hat, we just needed to carry away our things. I then dropped Katie at the South Africa Holocaust Museum and headed back "home".

First stop was the Internet company to check emails. While there I was getting a little hungry when the Putney Take-Aways proprietor entered partially soaked with a delivery for the staff. I placed my order (by now he knew it without asking), paid him, finished my work and stopped by to pick up my toasted cheese and tomato on whole wheat.

I was being collected at 2:15 by Jenny Tully. Jenny is mom to a child who uses AAC. She had organized for me to present later in the day. The venue was the Red Cross Hospital, the largest children's hospital in the southern hemisphere and the only children's hospital in Africa south of the Sahara Desert.

Interface is the name of the organization of those interested in AAC in the Cape Town area. Presentations were at 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM and were on language representation methods used in AAC and evidence based practice respectively. This was held in a lecture theater. We were surprised at the good turnout. The audience was a nice mixture of speech-language pathologists, OT and physio therapists, teachers, family members, university students, and a facilitator. Graham and Margot also attended.

Following the presentations I was taken to dinner. I was sad to leave Graham and my many new friends.

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